Sensory Matrix™

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The Sensory Matrix™ is an online assessment and practical sensory guide to improving your mental health, wellbeing, productivity and relationships.

What you'll get:

  • 26-page report filled with your individual results, interpretation and strategies 
  • Easy, practical and effective tips and tools that are easy to implement and will immediately make a difference to your productivity and wellbeing
  • More than 10 000 people have completed a Sensory Matrix™ - join them to take your self-development to the next level! 

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Get started today before this once-in-a-lifetime offer expires on the 30th of September 2022 

We will contact you within the next 24 hours to discuss your enquiry

Find out what others are saying

"An excellent and clear tool that can make sense of why you (or someone else) thrive better in some environments and feel like you need a breather in others. Understanding yourself first is key to wisely regulating your approach to life. A well-set-out report, easy to read and structured."

Verity Joice

"The Sensory Matrix™ is a great way to understand our senses and how we respond to the environment. Great tips – sensory snacks and diets to add to your day and week and sensory ergonomics to consider any changes to your environment to help you function more effectively. Great team – communication and access to the assessment were quick. Would highly recommend it." 

Jo Morgan

"I highly recommend that everyone take the time to understand and work with their sensory thresholds using the Sensory Matrix™. The first step is knowing that your sensory processing is genetic. Then use the extensive, truly actionable support provided after completing the assessment to achieve one’s best self in any situation. The Sensory Intelligence® Consulting team is outstanding both in knowledge and caring."

Stephanie Morrison