Feeling overwhelmed and overloaded by      your world? 

Get your practical, easy and effective wellness blueprint to improve the quality of your life! 

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Discover your Sensory Matrix™ and how Sensory Intelligence® can radically improve your wellbeing using easy and effective strategies!

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5 Ways to improve your life now

Step 1

Complete your Sensory Matrix™ Assessment

Get insights and aha learning about your 7 senses as they filter the world to your brain and impact your life, in your personalised report.

Step 2

Understand your environment

Identify the environmental triggers and distractions in your life causing unnecessary overload, stress and discomfort. 

Step 3

Learn the simplicity of self-regulation

Using sensory snacks, sensory diets and sensory ergonomics, you will radically, yet easily, improve your focus, energy and time management.

Step 4

Sensory Strategies for home 

Get personalised tips to manage your home, holiday destinations, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, family life and relationships. 

Step 5

Sensory Strategies for work 

Get personalised tips to understand your leadership styles, how to work best with others, managing your office space, productivity and seating. 


Improve your life

For Individuals

Free version

Sensory Quiz™


For Individuals

$59 per person

Sensory Matrix™


For Groups

$59 per person

Sensory Matrix™


This special BUY ONE GET ONE FREE offer has been extended due to popular demand and will be valid until the 30th of September 2022










We are Sensory Intelligence® 

  • We are healthcare specialists with more than 50 years of collective experience
  • Our work is embedded in research and neuroscience 
  • We provide tangible personal- and business results for sustained growth and success
  • We guarantee aha moments and simple, highly effective solutions 
  • Our vision is to help everyone understand and use their senses they have been gifted with 
  • Our values are: 
    • Simplicity (life is hard enough) 
    • Innovation (we hate the proverbial box) 
    • ComPASSION (we have compassion for others and do our work with great passion) 

"The Sensory Matrix™ is truly an inviting tool and easy to follow. It provides rich information around our sensory input that no one should be without. The practical sensing strategies are just amazing and really make life easier!"

- Colette Swart 

"The Sensory Matrix™ is giving us permission to be who we are and the sensory snacks (tools), diets (activities) and ergonomic (environmental) knowledge to maximize the way we are designed so that we can minimize stress, maximize our attention and perform well in our daily lives."

Samantha Toweel-Moore

"Sensory Intelligence® has really been a life-changing experience for me! My mother passed away a few weeks prior to me attending the practitioners' course and I was so overwhelmed with life that I was scared that I would not be able to complete the course. But you made the course content so easy to understand and use! I've started implementing my sensory diet and snacks and I'm amazed at how much less stressed I feel, it's making a huge difference in my life, both at work and at home. I will be forever in your debt!"

-Amanda Oosthuizen

Some of our Clients:

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